Academic Training
Canadian Institutes for Health Research. (2005-2008) Workplace Organization and the Knowledge Management Strategies of Service Providers. University of Saskatchewan.
Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Saskatchewan (Degree conferred 2004).
Dissertation: Gendered Determinants of Job-related Training Participation in Canada.
Specializations: sociology, education, women’s studies.
Curriculum Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education / University of Toronto (Degree conferred 1997).
Thesis: Women’s Participation in Canadian University Mathematics Programs.
Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan (Honours Degree conferred 1993).
CIHR-funded Strategic Training Programs
Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research – Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) Program,
University of Western Ontario, McMaster University, Dalhousie University, and Université de Montréal.
(May 2005 – May 2006).
Symposium and On-Line Workshops: Interdisciplinary research teams; Mixed methods research; Grant generation; Research measures for assessment and evaluation.
Rural and Remote Health Research: Rhetoric and Reality.
Memorial University and Dalhousie University, Atlantic Region Training Centre.
(June 2005)
Workshops on interdisciplinary research in applied health services and population and public health.